更换源 由于树莓派自带的官方源速度太慢,这里需要更换国内源 sudo <span class="hljs-keyword">cp</span> /etc/apt/sources<span class="hljs-preprocessor&q … 继续阅读“Raspberry 搭建 phpMyAdmin”
标签: Raspberry
树莓派raspberry pi 安装mysql
要安装mysql,安装之前可以先更新下本机软件: sudo apt-get update 然后就是等待了。等待完之后要准备安装mysql了,命令直接安装: sudo apt-get install mysql-server 然后就是等待,在安装的过程中会提示你让你输入mysql的root密码,会提示 … 继续阅读“树莓派raspberry pi 安装mysql”
Setup a Raspberry Pi PHP Web Server
Lighttpd is a lightweight web server, with all the essential functions of a web server, PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web devel … 继续阅读“Setup a Raspberry Pi PHP Web Server”
How To Setup A Web Server On Your Raspberry Pi
This page aims to summarise the steps required to install a webserver with PHP support onto your Raspberry Pi. This will allow the Pi to server HTML a … 继续阅读“How To Setup A Web Server On Your Raspberry Pi”
1 SSH连接 SSH连接比Telnet远程桌面连接使用更为安全,已经成为行业标准。使用SSH连接树莓派,可以对树莓派进行远程控制与编程开发,在没有桌面环境的条件下使用SSH连接是非常合适的选择。 第2节和第3节中SSH服务相关的命令同样适用于Debian和Ubuntu系统。 2 树莓派SSH服务安 … 继续阅读“树莓派SSH连接-SSH服务安装与开机自动启动”
How to Create a New SD Card for Raspberry Pi on Windows
This tutorial explains how to create a fresh SD card for your Raspberry using a Windows PC. It’s the technique I use to update my cards whenever a new … 继续阅读“How to Create a New SD Card for Raspberry Pi on Windows”